Saturday, December 21, 2013

Almost 2 years later

It's been almost 2 years since Milo's second FHO surgery. He's now 4 years old (plus a few months, September pup) and still doing fine. Every now and then I get comments from someone about how he waddles in the back when he walks, or the fact he's a bit bow-legged. Other than that, you really have no idea. At the recommendation of our vet we work to keep Milo under 60lbs, preferably around 55lbs. He's been teetering right around 58lbs right now, which is great. He also gets daily joint supplements (Glycoflex III currently).

Milo still goes for walks, ranging from short walks to 3-5 miles. After a long walk he is usually exhausted. He loves going to the beach and running around, but is not a fan of swimming. Instead he just romps in and out of the shallow water. He's able to jump up on our tall bed, sometimes missing because he didn't jump high enough. The only time he won't jump is when he is exhausted (like after the long walk), but otherwise he's doing great.

I feel like the FHO surgeries were the best thing we could do for Milo. He's able to run around and be a dog again without being in constant pain. If you are considering an FHO for your young dog just do your research, but don't hesitate because of age. Milos first FHO was at 1 year, the second at 2 years, and he's done so well. We originally looked at a total hip replacement (THR), but due to his bone structure they felt it would dislocate. He was a young dog, but this gave him the ability to bounce back much quicker.

Milo and his 'little' brother Marley at OBX in 2013.