Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 16

Milo has been doing great since his stitches were removed. We did notice a slow down in recovery, but this is perfectly normal. One thing that did change was that he won't use the leg when going quickly (whereas he used to). We just try to walk him slowly to keep him from doing this.

This morning, around 12:30AM, we noticed a wet spot on his incision. There was about a 1/4"-1/2" opening, where his incision split. Great. I call the surgical vet (they have a 24hr staff) and they tell us to either go to the emergency vet or try wrapping it with an ace bandage. We decided to try the ace bandage route and call back at 7AM. They were great and said to just come in, so we were in the car by about 7:10AM and at the vet by about 7:40AM. Not too bad considering there was traffic.

They believe he had a fluid pocket and that could have been related to the split. I explained to the vet the 'wet feeling' from the incision, and how it was more of a clear, not blood. This is what made him think it could be a fluid pocket. It was just the top layer that split, so they told us to just watch it, but it shouldn't split anymore. They didn't want to put a staple in, as it would likely do the same thing after it came out. So we are hoping it heals on its own (the vet said it would).

Milo is wearing the e-collar now, just to make sure he isn't licking. We are also putting neosporin on the incision.

I'll have to take some updated pictures later and get them posted.

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