Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 8

One week ago I picked Milo up from his surgery. It's amazing to see how much better he is doing. He came home with a floppy leg, which he had little/no control over. Today he can control his leg, and is using it when walking.

While he doesn't use his leg 100% of the time yet (we still have a ways for that), he is putting it down when walking, and using it to get up from laying down. I would say he is still using it 50-75% of the time, with some weight (not full weight). He has caught himself a few times with his leg, and just a few minutes ago I saw him step over Marley, and he paused with his left leg in the air (bad leg on the ground then!). This was the first time I've seen him stop and put his right leg first.

Next Thursday we get the staples out, which cannot come soon enough. We are constantly stopping him from licking his incision right now. He has to wear a cone the majority of the time, as he does not like to listen. Thankfully, he's getting used to the cone and not fighting it like he had been. I try to keep it off him when I'm home, but sometimes it's just too difficult.

There's still some swelling around the incision, which we've been icing in hopes it will go down. Milo received his last pain med last night, so these next few days will tell us if he is going to need more. So far so good.

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