Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day12 - Trouble!

Milo has been staying in a superyard exercise pen while we are not home. This had been going smoothly, up until Saturday. We had family visiting (6 people, which included two young children), and had gone to dinner. When we returned, Milo had gotten out of his pen. We figured he was looking for the kids, which was why he jumped out. Well, we were wrong. Again today he jumped out of the pen.

How is a dog with a bad leg jumping out of a pen? Not only that, but he's got a cone on his head! Crazy dog. We are likely going to borrow a larger crate, as we just can't have him jumping out of this pen everyday.

He's also chewed the overlap of his second cone. I ended up purchasing a third cone today from the vet, for when this one is unusable. Hopefully we can get another week or so out of it though.

Overall, his recovery seems to be at the same place. He's without pain meds, and is using his leg 50-75% of the time, but not with full weight. We had a bit of snow here this past week, almost 10", which we did allow him out (on a leash) to enjoy for a few minutes. He loves the snow, and was using his leg to balance while walking. There is still a bit of snow out there, which we have to romp through every time we go out to the bathroom.

Milo's staples come out this Thursday, which means we can start swimming. I'm going to be making his first appointment soon - hopefully we can get him in this weekend or next.

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